❖ Please fill up this form in English only:- Name of the Student* Aadhar No* Date of Birth* Father’s Name * Aadhar No* Mother’s Name * Aadhar No* Category(Tick one) GenSCBCOBCAny Other Occupation of the father & Designation* Occupation of Mother & Designation* Full Address(permanent)* Mobile & E mail Father E mail Address* Father Mobile Number* Mother E mail Address Mother Mobile Number* Name & Address of Local Guardian (If any) Class to which admission sought* Any particular achievement Any other information, you wish to furnish Result of class passed Transport Required YesNo Activities opted (Tick any two) Dance ClubSkating ClubCricket ClubYoga ClubAthletics ClubSwimming ClubGymnasticMartial artShooting Note: 1. The club activities once opted cannot be changed during the academic year. 2. Swimming is a seasonal activity having duration from. April to August.