New Books! New Faces! New Session! – Let the Fun Begin

The beginning of the new session is the beginning of new adventures, discoveries, learning, fun and growth that this year has to offer to the students! We “Greenfield Public School” are very excited to make learning a fun and practical activity for all the young talented minds. At Greenfield Public School, Kurukshetra, we welcome all students to share their talents, learn with their mentors and teachers and do whatever they are capable of; Thrive, bloom and flourish with us. Let’s start this year with perseverance and determination with Greenfield Public School, Kurukshetra.

Perseverance is everything we do that is important. Dedication is the key to achieving new goals of success and learning. Dedication is the golden rule of achieving excellence. Along with perseverance, you need patience. All great leaders have won through constant and endless perseverance. If we go through the legends and history, all the great scientists and rulers who never gave up and patiently stood the test of time, always earned the best prizes. It is said that whatever is started with a positive attitude does not already happen. So as we, Greenfield Public School, start the new season this time, make a list of the trivial ideas that will pave the way to success, to make sure you don’t lose your momentum and enthusiasm along the way.


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